I would say for a set 30,000 is scarce.
You guys are looking at 30,000 as 1 chip not 30,000 total which includes .50/1/5/10/20/25/100/500/1,000.
If you divided that equally that would be 3,333 of each but the higher denomes we know there are always less made.
So I would say I am fairly safe from anyone in columbus ohio going through the time and trouble trying to locate my $100 chips and slipping them in my game.
And besides I can count on 1 hand how many here would even know on how to go about doing it since 99% of them play with 11.5g slugged crap.
I am not trying to argue with you guys I am ust trying to point out where the folks at CT are coming from.
I you decided tommorrow you wanted to build a complete set of these it would be next to impossable and expensive.
We are into sets not individual chips.
I do not agree with the ebay guys listing and you should email him about it.