WHO is being told what to do and WHO is allegedly telling "them" what to do?
WHO is being told when to speak up and by WHOM?
I'm just a regular member, Joe, not a member of the elite inner circle like you, so I don't have access to secret information such as this. I would appreciate you presenting this information to the rest of us regular, uninformed members.
With regards to the hotel & flight cost issue, why don't you forward this question to Mr. Mike Quinlivan, the current Treasurer of the . I am certain that he could answer this question and I have always found him to have the courtesy to respond to me when I have asked him questions. Of course, it would probably be best if you addressed these questions to Mr. Quinlivan at the
message board.
But, please...let me --- let us ALL --- know who is behind silencing the thoughts & ideas of the membership and who these people are that are being stifled.
Thank you. Steve Bedo