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The Chip Board Archive 16
Joe, you are becoming a "JOKE"
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i consider the 3 big shows a must to attend if you
Come up with some original thoughts, not this dribble. Time to "STAND UP TO YOURSELF"
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i consider the 3 big shows a must to attend if you
Joe, You are really starting to TICK ME OFF
i just think those 3 shows are a must to
You are wrong here Joe
Re: Once Again..
Im not a board member and....
Re: How dare you sleep in a free room.
Re: who sleeps ??
Re: well alright then.
Joe, you are becoming a "JOKE"
why mr splashbar for telling the truth?
Well, it looks like you will get 1 vote
Truth is your 1st. Mistake. Reason is your 2nd.
Joey taking ON the Big Four. Get'm Joe.
Who's the big vote is for sale
Gasp ! Are you saying Joe is Prejudiced??
Re: who are the other two?
Re: who are the other two?
Re: who are the other two?
Re: who are the other two?
GUILTY!! Now, pass the cheesecake...
Please explain it to me....
Re: Please explain it to me....
Re: Please explain it to me....
i would attend the 3 major shows if
Re: i would attend the 3 major shows if
Re: i would attend the 3 major shows if
i hope gene doesnt make any sudden stops
Next time you go in for heart surgery,
did gene give you permission to say this?
Joe, you have made yourself a laughing stock
Dave i know the truth hurts once in a while
Re: i would attend the 3 major shows if
Man, Now I have got to clean my keyboard !!!!!!
Joe, Could you respond in english please???????
could you understand it
Yeah, If you could say it, which I doubt.
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