I have been trading chips for many years and I recently got an email that basically said I was being unreasonable in my requests (Something I try very hard not to do)
So I am honestly interested in hearing about others feelings on a few subjects just to make sure I am not out of touch with reality.
1) Would you be willing to trade 5-$1 chips for 1-$5 chip (Assuming all were current issues)
2) The table of values I have been using for many years to value trades of uneven denominations for current chips are
$1 Face- $3
$2.50 Face - $4
$5 Face - $7
$25 Face - $28-$30
Are those values unreasonable
3) In the scan below, are there any chips that someone would feel are priced unreasonably when using them as trade values? (By the way, many of them are already traded)
I would be very interested in knowing what others think as I could be dead wrong on my assumptions.
Lets hear what you think?
Thanks ans happy chipping to all.