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The Chip Board Archive 16
Re: Some people like my PUMA updates! Not U I C...
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Some people like my PUMA updates! Not U I C......
Keep the Pai Gow.......ooops I mean the PUMA updates coming in!!!
Sheldon Mccormick
Messages In This Thread
Another $5 H.R. Puma. But NOT on Andy's website...
Isn't it time for someone.....
Re: Isn't it time for someone.....
Re: Isn't it time for someone.....
I think he has about 2900 more.
I will bet NO 1 ever gets a PUMA for $7
Hey Mouth!
Re: Hey Mouth!
O.K. Scooter! Building fund? How about that ......
Soooo, Are you now backing out of your "Promise"
I might as well put a 100 in the toilet. But if it
I ask again since your last post was unclear with
I will make a HUNDRED dollar donation too the OZ
Some people like my PUMA updates! Not U I C......
Re: Some people like my PUMA updates! Not U I C...
Hey "No Number" ....
OOOppsss! Forgot to change it, from this P.C.
OOOppsss! I did it again! That could be a song.
Re: OOOppsss! I did it again! That could be a song
Yes! But U R more than welcome 2. If U like!
Haven't these chips already been bot for $5?
The Pumas I sell
Honestly I hope you have more.
Tom, Your really going to have to help me on this
Not complaints .......... facts!
Re: Not complaints .......... facts!
Hey Eric I have a question for you.
Re: Hey Eric I have a question for you.
Re: Hey Eric I have a question for you.
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