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The Chip Board Archive 16

Talk about hitting the Mother Lode!...

The airport in Tucson has re-opened and I am now back from Vegas. Awaiting me, in the mail box, were letters and envelopes from the following people...

Jim Gagnon's Shot-Gun: Jim Gagnon, John Zoesch, Scott Hartman, Paul Donohue, Don Logerwell, Fred DeKeyser.

The Kaplan non-Nevada/AC Round Robin from Don Logerwell

And stuff from Don Tassie, Von McKenzie, Chuck Smorse, Rose Cooper, Dave Kielbasinski, Michael Weitz, James Buell, Leo Brown, Doug Smith x2.

What a haul!!!


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Talk about hitting the Mother Lode!...
Re: Talk about hitting the Mother Lode!...
Chipping related.... No! Club related....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg