signed. Ha!
$28 for for a $25 chip that is funny!
$25 chips are priceless.
But just in case you are looking for 100 different $25 Las Vegas chips, I will give you the incredible price of 2800 dollars.
Plus shipping, or you can pick them uP.
Sorry no Hard Rock chips in this lot, but they are limited to 100 each. And NO stinking boxing chips................
I also have 31 different $25 Hard Rock chips
for sale, including Playboy and Riff Raff.
Playboy chip is ....... are you sitting down?
Used ...... I know your saying wow, impossible, now that is a collectors RARITY.
I bought it new, but got it used.
U know who U R - tuff guy. AS U Told Me.
Any way if you want them I got'em.
Tom - 2007