Looks Scandinavian to me

Messages In This Thread
- This weeks "score"
- Royal Palm Club post card..
- Looks German to me, no I can't read it, but...
- Whats the address Von?
- Re: Whats the address Von?
- Looks Scandinavian to me
- Is Kane, PA an Amish area?
- Thanks yall
- I beleive its Swedish Von
- Von, I have a Swedish chip contact, I'll ask him..
- Cool!
- Message has been sent. Jim
- Re: Von, I have a Swedish chip contact, I'll ask h
- Thanks Mats, and please don't tell anyone....
- Re: Thanks Mats, and please don't tell anyone....
- Re: Royal Palm Club post card..
- Swedish, not German. Don't let the ä fool you.
- Re: Royal Palm Club post card..
- Thank you very much Mats!
- You are wellcome Von.
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