It seems like there have been a lot of posts lately about the building fund and the 22-black theory. While I do not personally advocate this theory, it does bring to mind an important quesion, and I am wondering if someone could help me with the answer.
From what I last noticed, the bulding fund has approx $88k+ in it. What type of account is this money currently sitting in? Is it invested in any way? Is it in a CD? Is it ...(God help us)... merely in a savings account??? What is its status?
I may have simply overlooked the information if it was in the magazine or if it was ever posted on this site, but I am curious as to what the answer is.
While I do agree that Mr. Bondi's 22-black theory is more than a little ludacris, I also believe that he does have a very valid point. How is this money working for the club to ensure it is getting the most benefit from the donations that contribute to it?
Mr. Bondi made reference in a previous post as to some possibilities of how to invest the funds when he offered the possibility of:
"........ like invest it in google?
It's currently 460 and is said to go to 600 this year. Seriously, maybe invest it into a type of VanGuard fund? "
Now while I dont personally love the thought of the Vanguard family of funds, or even loading the boat with Google, I do feel there are other optioins that will enable the money to grow with minimal risk.
The result? The Bulding fund growing at a faster rate (even if it is only a little faster) thereby helping the club reach it's goal in less time.