Integrity order two chips...
order confirmed from seller....seller cashes
your check....then sends email saying that they
have decided to limit the order to one chip per
I challenge the response and point out that the
order was for two chips and chips have been
paid for....
The seller responds that since I am being
"difficult"..that he is cancelling the order
and sending money back....he also says that
he doesn't care if I post on chipboard because
he "knows alot of people"
Who is right and who is wrong???? Any opinions.
Curious because this seller is a semi-regular
on chipboard......
Hello Steve,
just a note to let you know that your Hooters Dec. Chip is on the way. Due to such a huge responce to my offer I had to limit it to one per request. I do appologise. I am refunding the other $15. It will be with the chip. Thanks again! Merry Christmas
my response
...i'm a little committed two chips to was sent.....saying now that
you're putting a limit on them doesn't seem very confirmed the two before you left...
to avoid further conflict and to protect your selling integrity i suggest that you send the second chip...
Hello Steve,
well since you are going to be difficult I am just going to bag it. I am refunding your money. Everyone else was very good and understanding to work with me. As for reputation I don't have to worry about that. I know too many people. Merry Christmas
my response
i'm not being difficult...YOU sold me two chips...YOU confirmed two chips.....if you want to avoid
negative chipboard posts...then I suggest that YOU.....honor your deal.......
Merry Christmas......
Post away!! I don't even collect chips. I tryed to explain myself, and ask for your help and understanding. Well that did not work. You have been the only one. Everyone else was very understanding and worked with me. If you were not being difficult this would not be a problem. Once again I am refunding your money. Don't bother replying. I am done.