I did not respond to posts by those who seek office in the upcoming CCGTCC elections, because ...
It seems to me that those who are making the most noise seem to lack an understanding of what the CCGTCC is about and how it is run. It seems that the only way they can get into office is by "creating" problems that don't really exist in order to call attention to themselves. I do not want to do anything that helps them, especially by contributing to their debate.
The CCGTCC is run by volunteers. A volunteer is someone who serves for the benefit of others with no direct compensation. Every member of the CCGTCC has the ability to volunteer and present their ideas to the Club for improvement. I believe that all the current and past boards were made up of individuals who, prior to their election, were already active in the Club. I don't think that this is true for some who are currently running for office. It brings up several questions to me. Why should these individuals with no prior experience, suddenly want to hold office? What indication do I have that they would be any good at it, when they have no previous experience?
So I prefer to remain silent when these who are currently seeking office start making noise.