You make some really great points about CC & GTCC Attendance being down...however I can not accept any of them UNTIL you become a member.
Many call you CHEAP, however when it come to your turn BUYING "you always do," so join the club....& go to work for the bettermit of it. (you can pass on one round of drinks).
I am told by the "higher ups" that casinos don't care about us, & to a certain extent I have to agree. I do think Casino like the FQs would let us put out flyers advertising our convention, and a few other would also, Palms maybe? as they promote a chip show every year & the Chipboard GET-TOGETHER.
Join the Club & volunteer at the Convention like I do, it is FUN & helps the club....
Some of your ideas would work, some wouldn't, but atleast you are thinking in the right way....