Do you really think paying for your own room is a reason to vote for you? Keep in mind this is a FREE room and if someone don't check into it, it is gone! It will not save the Club $700-$800!!!
Every time you post it has something negative about how our club is run. You take stabs at someone in every post you make.
Current Board members have no vote on who gets elected to the HOF. They are NOT involved in the process.
Do you really think you can be elected by running down everything good about current members.
IMO you are doing a BIG dis-service to our club, by running a negative campaign.
IMO you have no clue how to run our club.
IMO you need to stop infering current Board members are doing something wrong and just post what it is you would do for our club.
Better still IMO you should just withdraw from the election process. IMO everytime you post you are looking more like someone that does not have a clue!
We have been friends for quite awhile and I hope it can stay that way, but the above needed to be said.