view or reference some of these fakes and/or counterfeit chips. I have several of these fakes that I purchased when I first got into collecting chips (thinking that they were the real thing) and that are now worth nothing near what I paid...I consider it a lesson learned.
But we have the site with its "Fakes & Fantasies" link and we all have the knowledge of many of the people that post at this site that are well-learned in these particular chips. Unfortunately, we can't stop those that don't know of the
(or The ChipBoard) from buying them and we can't stop
from selling them.
But you should also know that there are those collectors who collect these fakes & fantasies and have some pretty extensive collections of them. I remember a couple of conventions ago working with Rick Miner at the Building Fund table and watching him go wild trying to locate and obtain as many of the Borland chips that he could (he had just started collecting them at THAT convention) . It's just another collecting "niche" and most of the people that either read this board or are members of the
are aware of what these chips are (or are not) and, in my opinion, these chips don't pose a real threat to the hobby or collectors. I still have the few that I bought years ago...
Steve B