Top two are not 'new' but new to me
I understand the Baccarat is the only one in existence with a "W" slug embedded, and is likely to remain the only ever one. My thanks to David Sarles for that one
The 'flames' chip has been shown here many times before. Scan does not do justice to its 3D effect. Bob Orme took surprisingly little persuasion to hand that one over I still remember when I 'caught him in the act' negotiating its manufacture
Bottom two are completely new. They were in the 'Whalen & Co' display at the Palms show.
The 're-machined' Top of the Vine is from Dick Allard, and the Harveys 'glitter' chip is from Sam Heppler, Whalens 'partners in crime'
Both these two have a highly polished mirror finish which doesnt show in the scan.