If you would like to participate, email me at with your snail-mail address.
I will make separate groups for each 5 collectors responding. Then I will e-mail you all the addresses in your group.
These are the rules:
Each player supplies 4 sets of 50 different cards from anywhere then sends a set to each of the other players in his group. (You will need to have a total 200 trader cards to participate)
All cards must be different in each pack. Packs can be identical, but do not have to be.
No worn or damaged cards. (paper cards are OK)
ALSO, PLEASE INCLUDE A BONUS, a LITTLE SURPRIZE (Any other casino collectable, or an extra card, or two).
Cards should be securly wrapped and mailed FIRST CLASS or PRIORITY.
Send one pack of 50 to each of the other cllectors in your group