It's the serious collectors, and rising prices that breed new collectors, growth and enthusiasm. I understand your concern about being priced out of the hobby. But you tell me, how do you justify or account for the fact the show attendance is decreasing? Certainly not pricing!??
The Palm promoters tried hard and did what they did in an attempt to bring people in. One would have thought with the Stardust auction going concurrently, more people would have shown up. The Marquee on the front of the hotel listed the show. How much better could that have been?
Attendance was dismal at best. Lack of attendance cannot be blamed on higher prices. People invest in the stock market when prices tend to rise, not fall or stay stagnant. Why do sports memorabilia show continue to flourish and their prices continue to rise?
I can tell you from talking to dealers at the show; they are so tired of setting up, paying table fees, and selling no merchandise. Many have said they are ready to leave the hobby. If enough leave then what? NO HOBBY!
If we do not bring in new people, this hobby dies. It’s great to have the old bunch of good people in charge of the board. But they bring NO new or FRESH ideas to help this hobby grow. They stand on the same old platform. Don’t rock the boat.
I have nothing against the people running for the board or on the board I give them credit. They take time from their personal lives to devote and make an effort.
I’m just stating my opinion. If we stay the course and continue to head in the direction we are headed…..we will end up like stamp collectors. A stagnant group of old timers and a forgotten hobby