It is easy to read that your rather passionate about this issue and there is nothing wrong with that. Suggest you look at the pay comparison from Air Force times regarding Military vs Civilian pay. Apparently our military is not as bad off as you feel it is. The link is http://www.airforcetimes.com/channel.php?GQID=292236#PAY%20COMPARISON.
OK, you said "Value" but remember also that value is made up of multiple factors of which compensation is only one. Any business owner knows that compensation alone seldom solves a turnover problem. A lot more people leave a job over dis-satisfaction than they do over money.
No, I do not think we should "cut their pay" but I would rather see congress raise the minimum wage first. Congress has voted themselves many pay raises but that certainly has not improved their performance.
Give me two groups of people. One working for money alone but with little else and the other working for less but with high job satisfaction and you'll see a marked difference in just about all catagories.
We used to have a saying in the Marine Corps (We the few, have done so much with so little for so long, that now we can do almost anything with nothing". That is pride and esprit de Corps and no amount of money can buy that.
BTW, are you a veteran??