Let me explain it another way, in case there is any confusion.
You can still take direct payments from Paypal accounts and not be a business account that takes Credit Cards. (and pays an extra percentage plus 35c for all transactions, even if they aren't CC!)
You just can't tell people that you do, until after the auction.
I have two Paypal accounts. Two eBay accounts. One is a "business" Paypal that takes everything, the other is a regular Paypal. If I list cheap stuff, which many of my items are, then why should I lose any potential profit by paying PayPal to transfer funds?
So one eBay/Paypal account doesn't take CC, the other does.
PITA but it solved the problem. I went to a local TCF and got a free checking account, since both must have a distinct checking account. They can't be shared. All this to sell 99c chips?
I understand their point, since people can't read and didn't pay attention when auctions said I don't take credit card Paypal payments and kept trying to use CCs. Then Paypal had to reverse the charges and send notes and people had to re-run the auctions, or change to a "business" account.
All this does, is stop all the errors, and of course "encourages" (or is it blackmail?) everyone to start a business account.
It stinks, but that's the way it is.
Get two accounts, was my solution. But you can write after the auction and say you take Paypal but don't take CC. If someone screws up then, you know they can't read what you told them.