Save your time, your money, your enthusiasm.
At least you aren't afraid to stand up (Not sure for what yet)....As with any club these things are decided way in advance. The vote is just a lesson in theatrics. Nothing wrong with that...we have a GREAT BUNCH of very capable people running and they will be elected or appointed as they should be.
Same with the Hall of Fame people. Great bunch that have rightly got appointed, maybe 1 or 2 I didn't see the point but what the heck, there had to have been a reason, so, so be it. Congrats!!! A couple that I feel should be installed but it isn't going to happen even if every darn member of this club nominated them. That's just the way the world works.
Just thinking, tho...Jesse Ventura got elected to Governor in Minnesota, Schwartzennegger in California and, HEY, good old Kinky is running in Texas.
Yeah, I'm probably all wet...You got it in the bag...