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The Chip Board Archive 15

NCR A quiet moment for those fire fighters. sad

So very sorry for the pumpers at that one likes to lose good people. sad

I did four years of USFS Hot Shots after high school and can tell you these fires move fast and burn hot but not for long. It's mostly shrub brush and grasses that's burning. A friend of mine runs the juvenile detention camp at Twin Pines and he said the CHP told them to get out. I believe he said they had less than thirty minutes+/-; just get in the bus and go as there's only one road out of there. I had to cancel their football game for today as the equipment was left at the ranch.

In case you're interested Sunday Silverman (Palm Springs) and I (Palm Desert) are on the other (east) side of the mountain from the big Banning Pass fire. SoCal is in a huge high pressure with Santa Ana winds so the smoke is going to the LA/Orange County area.

God bless everyone that gives their lives to help others be they fire, medical, police, or military. USA

Copyright 2022 David Spragg