although I am putting in jeopardy my coveted status as "Second Lieutenant-in-charge Over the Imperial Bathroom Stalls", I feel that it is time to pierce the veil and reveal to all how to join those members that have achieved entry into the clandestine
organization known as Secret Upper Club Kings And Hierarchy (known as the S.U.C.K.A.H.s)
Mind you this secret society, there are BIG S.U.C.K.A.H.s & there are Little S.U.C.K.A.H.s...
SO, if you too want to be a S.U.C.K.A.H., all you really need to do is...
ready... it comes...
Make some friends
When I joined this club five or so years ago, I knew no one. I was fortunate enough to have met a lot of nice chippers at some of the CasinoRama shows in Arcadia and from there, friendships grew. I consider myself fortunate to have more friends in this club then I have chips in my collection. Maybe you don't like Gene or Spragg or Archie (sorry guys, but you seem to be the targets) or whomever for whatever reason. They have all contributed a whole helluva lot to the hobby that I enjoy, and for that they've earned their respect.
To those of you that believe that there are cliques and such within this club, make the effort to get to a convention. Archie Black doesn't know me from Adam, yet every year when I go to say hello to him (usually when he & his bride are working as volunteers), he shakes my hand & greets me with a smile. And if you do go to the convention, volunteer at the Club Promo's the first table in the door & gives you the best opportunity to meet face-to-face many of the people that you talk to (or argue with ) on this BB.
If you think that Gene's an ogre, go visit him at the Palms...even though he's a busy guy, he's always taken time out for me. He's also answered questions regarding certain chips that I've asked via e-mail. He's got alot of chips & a lot of chip knowledge.
Greg, Andy, Jay, Brian, Shoop, Mr. Splashbar, Tyrus, Cigarman and so many, many more in this club...all really nice people, all very approachable and all people that I'm glad to have as friends.
So let's cut the CR@P about the cliques & upper elite nice & try to make some friends.
Okay...I've got to get back to my station as as "Second Lieutenant-in-charge Over the Imperial Bathroom Stalls" or I'll never become a Little S.U.C.K.A.H.
Steve B