I am not a income-generating seller on ebay...mostly I make play money with classic car parts, and have sold only a few thousand bucks (at gross) worth of stuff on ebay (excluding PBR and NFR tickets when I have extras)...so though I think ebay's fees are a bit high, they are not enough of an inconvenience that to try to duck 'em.
Still, one of my pet peeves is folks trying to make a buck on the shipping fees...*LOL* The lady at the post office ribs me from time to time because I am just as likely as not to lose money of the auction price because I underestimate shipping charges. Oh well. I used to take stuff down to the post office after I had a buyer address and then email with the proper shipping...but sheesh, TWO trips to the post office was just not worth taking it in the shorts every so often because I don't estimate the shipping costs well enough.
Just too much hassle, IMHO