>>>I think the BOD has breached all fiduciary obligations to the club members, exercised personal agendas using club assets
Why do you think they are a 501(c)(3)? Is it because they wanted to do charitable work?
The reason that they became a "charity" is because some idiot (probably the same counsel that filed this frivolous suit) convinced a larger group of idiots that they could attract large donors by pretending to be a charity (in this case an "educational institution" that doesn't actually educate anyone but pushes forth the biggoted and censored views of a group of old geezers).
Apparently, they didn't get the donors since they had to raise dues (except on the exempt elite geezers) and they cut off all support for local chapters.
As near as I can tell, "the club" exists to publish an expensive magazine in which nobody wants to advertise and has an annual get together to drink under the pretense of being a "charity".
It's really pathetic.