ok ,glenn ,scott whats the diff. bob i can parse also, i didnt call you stupid, i said, wondering out loud, " you must be drunk or stupid". how about it mr susong, was bob calling scott a name, or was he being civil?
ok, 1 more time,im not for slabbing low end chips, thats realy stupid. i am for protecting investments in high $ chips. as ive said many times that might have to include authenticating,xraying ,and mabee slabbing. and no bob the inlays didnt turn and walk away. of course i got your inference that maybee there were no inlays. as far as attact dogs, if you use a "loose" definition, its some one that attacks with zealot like ,lightning fast, relentless never ending attacks. things change bob,we cant be nieve and pretend we live in a fraud free world. thats why the coin collectors
have turned to slabbed high $ coins.