Jeez, even me! Mr. "No flies On Me!" Mark Erickson! Imagine!
Got attacked after I posted the image above and made the remark that the Harolds signage was with and without apostrophies. I mean is this America anymore or what! 1st amendment, 1st amendment, Attica, Attica! One of the members of the clack "in charge" of this schoolyard (whose initials are M. Siskin) asked me how could I know this? There might be an apostrophy there but as he scornfully mocked me and my ancestors, "There is a street light pole blocking that part of the sign." Well, did you ever think that it MIGHT be my opinion! Just for that here's how my images are gonna appear from NOW ON thanks to MR. "Oh, Let's Point Out The Big Freakin' Light Pole"!
You got that clich don't you...well I got a posse of Norwegians. That's right, plural (more than one!)! How'd you like a email box full 'o lutka...Lutsfi...uh, salty herring? Hmmm? Asking questions, sheesh!
So here's the deal for you new folks. Michael Siskin is a pretty smart fellow and I'm sure he knows I've got my tongue in my cheek. But there is a point to this silly post. If you post something here, there is the possibility that some one may ask you to explain your reasoning or point out additional information or offer a different perspective for discussion. Buck up, Poster! Accuracy, veracity and such are respected in this hobby and here on the board. Honest opinions are respected but opinons aren't an excuse for rudeness, slander or baiting so don't expect to hide behind The Opinion Card if you want to pop off. What I did here was dig around (got lucky) and find that the sign in question did not have an apostrophy!
Now both Michael and I know so that makes us worthy of running things around here!
So here's the deal. I was having a great day! Didn't have to work that 14th day in a row. Got two nasty electronic device bugs squashed (YES!). The postman brought one of those bubblepacks with an R-5, an R-8 and an R-6 all from Reno. In anticipation for the upcoming Reno show I was researching through Kling and such when I found this in Saito's Hank Boss auction of Reno chips catalogue. Just stole it right outta there! Apologies to Doug, I promise I'll buy something from him Friday. I knew I was right (probably)! No apostrophy. So the next time someone askes you a question or points out that light pole in middle of your post, don't go into some sort of pity funk, just round up the real deal and share with the rest of us! Peace Brothers and Sisters!