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The Chip Board Archive 15
Are you able to show us the plastic holder...?
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Too much!
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Opinions Wanted
Re: Opinions Wanted
Too much!
Are you able to show us the plastic holder...?
I will try to post it tomorrow
Gene are you saying
Lol. No...not a slab
Ed lists "concentric circles" as 'plain mold'
Thank you David
Remove the striations ---it is a plain mold.
??? Now I'm confused
Re: ??? Now I'm confused
Re: The mold is SMALL CIRCLES
Remove the Striations??
Hanover is trying to sucker you in.
Geez. Altering not Alerting
You should see how well he works with a rasp
What does he use the rasp for?
Re: What does he use the rasp for?
Because Im probably one of them
Still looking to remove tape residue frm plaque
Yes, and in doing so I do not plan to remove any
To each his own.
Sorry, Rich.. Your ADVICE was poor.
Don't be sorry. That's your opinion.....
Re: Remove the Striations??
Can you post a picture of the baby gel you use?
Re: Can you post a picture of the baby gel you use
He meant to restore the chips
No. That's good enough. Thanks.
Re: Opinions Wanted
It's the scratches I was asking about
I didnt realise you were talking about the
Re: Opinions Wanted=Not Many!!
I see the scratches on the rim
That was my original question!
I just got off the phone with a friend ...
Thank you Rich. Interesting
Re: Thank you Rich. Interesting
Thanks Kerry. I'm already past it
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