Currently owned, and used for storage, by the Lakeside Inn & Casino...
I'd like to officially urge our more powerful members to consider the Glass Crutch as our Headquarters! Yes, I know it's not in Vegas - but EVERYBODY loves Lake Tahoe, and we might actually be able to get it for a song from the Lakeside Casino. FYI: the Lakeside is big on tradition & history - they might actually like hosting our events, and if we paid for their storage elsewhere - our building fund could possibly be used to fix this place up. IMAGINE; our Club actually owning the Glass Crutch!
How might a headquartered in Tahoe handle conventions? Well, how about every odd year in Vegas, ever even one in Tahoe? Just an idea - there are actually MANY different scenarios that work - but I realize that MANY people work SO hard to put on the Vegas Conventions; that I hope this suggestion doesn't rub anyone the wrong way. Let me ask you this; what other old Nevada Casino, that has desirable/collectible chips - could possibly be a target for our Building Fund budget?
Heck, restore the bar, put in some old slots (kind of like a Liberty Belle scenario), and maybe the place could self-support??? Seems better to me than any Vegas option I've heard about.