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The Chip Board Archive 15

Re: NOT and Double Not grin
In Response To: NOT ()

I've received this False Warning year after year.

Just think about this.

You can put water in a bottle, and sell it but you can't put water back in that bottle? vbg

Here's the truth. People who re-fill bottles, may not wash them properly. You can get bacteria from your lips and hands (those nifty closers instead of caps) which will get into the water.

In the end, it doesn't matter what you are refilling, even a glass bottle, it's the handling and cleaning that could be the only potential problem.

Plastic is safe and the FDA does not classify PET bottles or containers as a cancer risk, even though the warning claims they do.

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Health warning. NCR
Re: NOT and Double Not grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg