I owned a house about 5 miles from this casino. Bluewater is owned by the Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) who own much of the land, especially riverfront land, around Parker, Arizona, and Earp (named after Wyatt), across the river from Parker. It is at the south end of a 15 mile strip of river that is known as the Parker Strip. This part of the Colorado River is very popular with water sports enthusiasts and "Snowbirds", many of whom have retired there. The area is a popular destination resort in both winter and summer. I have been to this particular casino quite a few times and can say that it is always "filled" with customers; not "packed" but "filled." It has a very large parking area around it and most of the outside that Charles pictured was parking that was further out than most of the parking areas. It was originally slot machines only but added blackjack, bingo, poker and good food.
The picture is from my dock, looking across the river, indicating the way (approx. 4 miles) to the casino!
Rich Hodges