I was looking through a long ago stored box of chips and came across this set of four chips. There is also, not pictured, a $2.50 chip in this set. That chip is in my $2.50 collection.
Can anyone supply information about this set of chips. Was there such a casino as the Busted Flush, how long was it open, are there anyother chips besides these, etc. I would be most grateful if anyone would know what these chips are worth? I have never seen them listed on eBay.
ANY information you may have I would be most grateful for.
Thanks, Steve
[http://www.chipguide.com/tcbuploads.php?image=/nn1.jpg] [http://www.chipguide.com/tcbuploads.php?image=/BF2.jpg] [http://www.chipguide.com/tcbuploads.php?image=/BF3.jpg] [http://www.chipguide.com/tcbuploads.php?image=/BF4.jpg]