Trying to deal with Emails on the Road, I hope I got everyone...This is the list of folks I have envelopes & boxes for...If your name is not on here and you requested something please LMK...I have some extras...
Charles Kaplan
Don Lueders
Keven Behrens
Dwain Ryan
Claude Argo
Paul Liscio
Richard Bernhard
Richard Jezeski
Gene Oniell
Larry Spiegel
Paul Bachtel
Bruce Allen
Marc Heiman
Russell Wong
Jim Gagnon
Lance ? (Robertson)
Ellen Springer
Dick Staeffler
John Zoesch
Pam Holmgren
John Kallman
John Rey
Ross Poppel
Dick Bartley (Pls respond to Email)
Kurt Strutzel (Please respond to Email)
Boesseler (Please respond to Email)
Must be Dwoods most popular new issue chip.
Thanks, Glad I was able to help you get some nice Chipco's.
Even hit on an old 50 Cent Hot Pepper Machine in the 45 minutes we were there to get chips....One red 7 and 2 Hot Pepper multipliers, so made it a red, white, and green sequence...$1200.00...
Days of '76 starts today, (Hang onto your urinal cakes.) Then, the grand daddy of them all for the bikers, Sturgis, right afterward. Then a brief rest and "Cool Deadwood Nights" car show and everything else fun.
Hope all is well,