I know you wouldn't post it so I will:
You know what Chuck?? I am done with this but don’t accuse me of being a bad club member.
I maintain a full page ad in the club magazine to support it. Not that anybody gives a rat’s a*s about my ashtray site. I buy full page ads in the club program for the convention. Once again for the same reason.
I provide Jay Sands and Barry a fully updated CD of my picture collection so they can get nice photos for the auction catalog.
I have had one article published in the club magazine and probably several more to come. (Probably nothing anyone wants to read about but he publishes it.)
I got Gene and Peg Kaplan to do the great stuff on Wells, one of which was the cover article of the club magazine.
I keep Allan Anderson current on my photos so he and John can use them for the magazine.
When Lynn and I get to the convention we always donate our time at the Building Fund table. Sorry, we didn’t make it this year…
Lynn took the time to do a display for the exhibition section at the convention in 2005 and it tied for second place.
I take the time to supply other collectors with pictures as they need them…(Sorry Larry, I’ll get started again.)
I buy Neal’s Raffle Tickets
I donate to Debbie Meister’s Grab Bags and actually send her something that has some value.
I don’t know what else but don’t call me a “Bad Club Member.” You are entitled to your opinion and you and I have our differences but what have you done?