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The Chip Board Archive 15

Trasure Island (Red Wing MN) Chip Run

I am (somewhat) recovered from my 4,000 mile trip to the convention in Las Vegas, and with the tired ol' autombile having had a good rest, a change of oil, and a rotation of tires, it is time to hit the highways again.

Treasure Island, Red Wind MN has a new Bud Jones mold on the black jack tables:

$1.00 Chips = $2.50
$2.50 Chips = $4.00
$5.00 Chips = $7.50
$25.00 Chips = $30.00

All items postpaid.

Orders totaling $50 or more, must be paid in adnace (check, cash, money order, or pay pal).

Inusrance is also required (at post office rates - on all orders over $50.00 or more.

I will also pick up the H&C mold chips from the poker room for those who ask (prices same as above)

Not quite sure when I will be heading out the door, but it will be sometime in the next 8 (eight days).

Now, please, Please, PLEASE!!!!!!

1. Emails only
2. Include your SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS (yes, Greg, that includes YOU too!).

John K. Kallman
P.O. Box 122
Sartell MN 56377
Pay Pal:



Copyright 2022 David Spragg