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The Chip Board Archive 15

Attend Convention... Get HypNOtized!!!!

Looking at the LVRJ this morning, I see we're sharing convention dates at the Riviera with Jerry Valley Productions. Compared to all the roofers that are gonna be in town and Kaiser Permanete and guys at a "wiring devices" get-together, it looks like the Riviera, home of "funky" conventions is going to be the happening place in Las Vegas. Jerry Valley Productions? Who?

Goggled them and found they're a hypno-therapy outfit. Want to lose weight? Quit smoking? Trying to recall "Mr. SplashBar"'s real name? Afraid you'll only sleep "when you're dead"? Try these guys! Company profile here: I afraid to click on their website link... you try it and if you return tell us about it and cluck like a chicken! grin

Guess we ought to be on the lookout for folks at the convention with spinning discs or swinging coins or turtles for pets. Could get weird!

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Attend Convention... Get HypNOtized!!!!
rofl rofl rofl rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg