Knowingly using outdated reference sources of information as a selling point is fraud. The key word is "knowingly" and that does appear to be the case here
You just made my argument for me. He used the most up to date reference source available, based on the opinion of experts in the field. No court of law would ever hold this seller to be obligated to do more than that. While we all know the value of these chips is directly related to the quantity of the chips available, the seller is under NO LEGAL OBLIGATION to disclose how many he/she has when they put the chip up for sale. If they were to say something like "this is THE R-10 chip listed", you would have an argument, but the auction states "this is listed as......". That is slick, that is not fraud. In fact, I think you have a better argument that a legal wrong was done against the seller by those accusing him/her of fraud in a public forum....