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The Chip Board Archive 15

Re: Don't You Suppose....
In Response To: Re: Don't You Suppose.... ()

>>>"pictures of a horse's a$$ with a member's face or name"

>>>Where is the face or name?

Try and keep up old timer.

Mr Spa Ragg posted the picture of the horse with my face on it. I know it was all of a few weeks ago so I understand if you don't recall.

>>>Your name was not even in the original post.

Yeah.. I don't see my name anywhere.

The reality is that both you and Mr Spragg (by your own acts and admissions) continue to be in violation of the Club's Code of Conduct but nobody really gives a damn as long as you provide space for a poker tourney and Spragg provide web space for the club.


Messages In This Thread

Don't You Suppose....
Re: Don't You Suppose....
Sorry Mark - need to do better for a chip
Re: Sorry Mark - need to do better for a chip
I never denied it. nanananabooboo
sad sad Stu, You are getting old & stale
Re: sad sad You are getting old & stale
"I have no idea how I offended you"
Re: "I have no idea how I offended you"
Re: Don't You Suppose....
Re: Don't You Suppose....
Re: I Think I Am Getting Real Close To..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg