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The Chip Board Archive 15

Don't You Suppose....

that Stu and the "turtle" are just setting around "boxing oscar" over all the attention today. Squirt, Squirt, Squirt...

Starting now let's ignore this puke. He's crude and juvenile and a huge annoyance.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but when it comes to bashing people because of their age and knowledge, it makes no sense. The people Stu is bashing have made major contributions to the collecting field and this club and they deserve the respect they are entitled to.

I wish I knew more about internet searches...I would wager a dollar to a donut that this j*erk off has terrorized other message boards.

But Anyway, have the time of your life at the convention...No snoring at the banquet and hang on to your rotten skivies at the Splash Bar. Have a safe trip in and out and cherish the memories.


Messages In This Thread

Don't You Suppose....
Re: Don't You Suppose....
Sorry Mark - need to do better for a chip
Re: Sorry Mark - need to do better for a chip
I never denied it. nanananabooboo
sad sad Stu, You are getting old & stale
Re: sad sad You are getting old & stale
"I have no idea how I offended you"
Re: "I have no idea how I offended you"
Re: Don't You Suppose....
Re: Don't You Suppose....
Re: I Think I Am Getting Real Close To..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg