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The Chip Board Archive 15

grin That was another fun table!! grin
In Response To: WHERE are all of my chips? ()

You can't see Andy...he's sitting to the left of the dealer. And you can't see me 'cuz I had no more $$$$ left sad !! But you can see my money distributed throughout the table vbg !!

The players that I know are Wayne Murphy standing at the far left, Andy hidden by the dealer, the incomparable Jay Sands, Steve "Having Fun Digging For More Money" Passalacqua, Pete Sanders, Mr. I-dunno, the ever-smiling Greg Susong and Terry Shaeffer with the Hard Rock T-shirt on.

The satellite table next Monday night boasts some of these same to be had by all grin . Steve B

Messages In This Thread

Know any of these Guys????
And Mr Susong is using my card capper grin
WHERE are all of my chips?
grin That was another fun table!! grin
Re: grin That was another fun table!! grin
grin's Wayne grin

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