If you are like me you have seen the Westerner chips on eBay in the last few months and suspected due to the quantity that they must be fakes. 75 roulettes failed to sell last week. I contacted the seller and obtained samples, a scan of which should appear below. I have shown scans of these chips to others on the board who know more than I and we believe these are the real thing. They were purchased at an auction together with approx 60 of the $1 arrowdie Westerner chips that had been an R-8. All of the samples I have handled are in excellent Avg.+ to SU condition. Cross-hatching is strongest on the blue but clearly present on all of the samples. Take the new numbers into account, but based upon what I have seen, I believe it is safe to bid on these chips as originals. I urged the seller to bring the chips to the convention (not that that does me any good) so you all can see them. I don't know if he plans to or not. I hope this is helpful to all concerned.