Steve "The WHINER" Bedo & myself have decided to set up a couple of one table satellites at the RIO for Monday night of the convention week at 10:30 PM. Make a post here that you want to play AFTER you have read everything below.
At this time they are only open to members who have played at least one week in the just concluded The Chip Board Road to the World Series of Poker. If the two tables are not filled as we get closer to the convention, we will open it to other
The reason for the 10:30 PM start is that there are a couple of people who will not be done with the auction at the Las Vegas Club until then. And we can't have it later as the two winners will play in the $1,500 tournament the next day which starts at noon.
The way it will work is...There will be 10 players at a table who will buy in for $165 each. Give or take a couple of dollars depending on if the RIO has adjusted the buy in from last year. Each table will play down to ONE player. There will be NO deals. The winner of each table MUST play in the $1,500 tournament the next day. And that tournament is a three day tournament if you make it to the final table on Thursday. So, you will be missing things you might have had planned on Tuesday & Wednesday, If you make it to the final table on Thursday you won't care what you had planned for that day!
So, if you can't commit to this then don't ask to be put on the list. And make sure that you can be at the RIO poker room in the back of the RIO by 10:15 PM at the very latest. We will all meet at the entrance to the room. That gives us time to set things up & get started by 10:30 PM. The satellites should take about 90 minutes & end by midnight.
The winner of each table will keep 50% of what they win in the$1,500 tournament. The remaining 50% from each winner will be split evenly between the other 18 players that were at the two satellite tables.
The players we have so far are listed below. I'll add to the list until we reach 20. If there is enough interest for a 3rd table I'll take more names. Andy - Las Vegas