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The Chip Board Archive 15

Use Tax

I agree. That would be the answer. Stop all the complicated regulations and loopholes. Pay as you go.

I'm already a tax collector. grin I collect sales tax and send it to the state, every quarter.

For anyone who wonders what the heck I'm writing about. You pay according to what you spend. People who spend more, have more, they pay more. People who have less, spend less, and pay less.

That's probably too simple, but it's a great concept. vbg Politicians won't go for it, because they can't sell out the rest of us for big campaign contributors.

I question the IRS seeing paypal and eBay as profits, but I'd be the one who had to prove I bought some chip for $4 and sold it for $1. So they win by default.

My view of my personal freedom is they can look in my luggage, tap my phone, and follow me in invisible, silent black helicopters. I've got nothing to hide, so they don't care about me.

They are going for the big fish, not us minnows. grin

Messages In This Thread

NCR: IRS Scouring PayPal Records
Here's what PayPal has to say about this
PayPal's reply--
NCR Pay Your Taxes And Don't Worry So Much
I do pay my taxes--
Re: I do pay my taxes--
Re: Here's what PayPal has to say about this
Re: Here's what PayPal has to say about this
Use Tax
Thanks, John, that's a great relief--

Copyright 2022 David Spragg