In the pic below, take note of mama goose sitting on her nest. Also, see papa goose in the background pacing the water in anticipation of the arrival of all the young'uns.
Sad part is, it will never happen.
Every year here on Lake Almanor the Canada Geese nest on these little islands in hopes of hatching and raising their young.
Every year they start this process before the spring runoff starts. They won't leave their nest until there is no more nest. The water has been rising now for the past 2 to 4 weeks. By this time tomorrow, i expect that little island you see will not be there.
Happy ending is, many geese have built their nests safely away from the rising waters. Many, many little gooselings will be all over the lake soon.
Also, the pair you see in the pic will be back again next year to try once more. That's if one or the other doesn't get shot.
Fact: Canada geese mate for life.
Hope you enjoyed this little tale.