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The Chip Board Archive 14
1987 Topps Football - ERROR RACK
In Response To:
1982-83 OPC Hockey Rack - Scarce Pack
Very interesting rack has baseball cards inside a football rack
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Messages In This Thread
NCR - Part 3 of My Unopened Pack Collection- Racks
1959-1960 Football Rack
1971 Topps Baseball Rack
1972 Topps Baseball Rack - Aaron Front
1973 Topps Baseball Rack
1973-1974 Topps Basketball Rack - Very Scarce
Another 1973-1974 Topps Basketball Rack
1974 Topps Baseball Rack
1975 Topps Baseball Rack - 2 HOF on Front
1975 Topps Football Rack
1975-1976 Topps Hockey Rack - Tough
1975 Topps Baseball Mini Rack - Tough
1976 Topps Baseball Rack
Another 1976 Topps Baseball Rack
1976 Topps Football Rack - OJ Front
1977 Topps Baseball Rack
1977 Topps Football Rack - Staubach Front
1978 Topps Baseball Rack
1979 Topps Baseball Rack
1980 OPC Baseball Rack - Tough Pack
1982-83 OPC Hockey Rack - Scarce Pack
1987 Topps Football - ERROR RACK
Another 1987 Topps Football - ERROR RACK
Thats All For Now Folks - More Next Week
What do unopened packs go for typically?
We used an iron to open and reseal wax packs
I can spot an Iron resealed pack a mile away......
Ed, The prices of packs depend on many things
What about packs from 1987??
Re: Ed, The prices of packs depend on many things
Tip # 6, Never buy a pack from John
Never !!!
John, I will tell you a secret about those early
I am still catching my breath from last week
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