First, xenophobia is quite ugly. I'd suggest you work hard on removing that character flaw.
Second, the advice I gave you is the same advice I'd give anyone who finds themselves unemployed, particularly concerning starting your own business. It may not be easy, but anyone can do it, however you can forget about 5 day/40 hour work weeks. Having started and owned several businesses, I speak from personal experience. I'm fully self employed and have been for quite some time.
Third, we live in a global economy that is ever changing. Companies that don't recognize these changes and change with them are doomed to failure. That is reality, and to not see it is to have one's head in the sand.
Fourth, nobody is guaranteed a job for life, at least nobody in a free society. You can find a guaranteed for life job in a socialist or communist society, but that ain't America.
Fifth, at the risk of repeating myself, it is up to you to channel your skills and abilities into a new job or career, as soon as possible. ....or you can continue to blame others for where you are.
Through the years, I've found ways to make money doing things that I enjoy, and if you love your job, you never have to go to work.