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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: Boycott Slabbing and Hooters Chips!

Totally agree David!!!!!

The Count

Messages In This Thread

Boycott Hooters Chips!
Supply and demand. Not forced to buy
I Don't Buy Them!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Boycott Slabbing and Hooters Chips!
Re: Boycott Slabbing and Hooters Chips!
*LOL* Betcha I'd really chap some drawers if...
Re: Boycott Hooters Chips!
Why not sell short at $40. Why only $8.50.
You've just revealed....
We aren't being gouged for gas *confused look*
Wake Up and Smell the Gouging!
Errr... I was being facetious ;)
Stu, I personally like the Hooters Calendar
Show me the hooters!
Hey Gabe......
Hey Stu......
Try collecting hOOters L.V. pins for $6 each.
stu im not boycotting them....
Hey Stu, you can pick up....................
Hey Jimbo-
rofl rofl LMAO rofl rofl
"...who sale them for more than they are worth"???
So, I Guess You Like.......
Tell ya when I do how I feel about it...
Of course it is...
And while we are on the subject
Right you are. Let me rephrase.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg