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The Chip Board Archive 14

I don't know about that.

Except for the gray, there is only 2 known of each color of the remainder of this set. For the longest time only the gray was known. No one was sure the purpose of the gray chip. It is clear now that it was part of a roulette set. BTW, Jerry has the other set!

Messages In This Thread

vbg Finally, finally, finally, finally.......
Re: vbg Finally, finally, finally, finally......
Re: vbg Finally, finally, finally, finally......
I don't know about that.
Re: I don't know about that.
Re: I don't know about that.
congrats Jerry!
What I would like to know is....
Re: Fantastic chips Jerry
Congratulation Jerry!
A new challenge for Jerry ...
Archie, your right !!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg