the year they were issued or shortly afterwards. The 50's and 60's packs I bought as card shows over the period of many years from dealers who were highly reputable. Most of the packs were purchased 20-30 years ago and there was a lot less "Resealing" going on back then. Whenevr possible I also bought from full boxes so there was less chance of being resealed.
From my first pack as a child I was facinated with the colors and designs of the packs. My goal at one time was to get one pack of every product ever made. I quickly found out that even if money was not an object (Which it was) you still couldnt complete that goal. Just try to find pre 1970 Hockey packs.... I know they exist because I have seen pictures, but they are just NOT available at any price.
I added to my collection over a period of 20 years and then I became disillusioned since filling the holes in my collection was no longer possible. As a result most of my cards sat in a closet for 10 years untouched.
The I found chips and the rest is history........
Happy collecting,