ONLY a dozen full sets of these left!
In 2005 the London Open and WSOP Satellite was organised/sponsored by the 'World Poker Exchange'. Cash gaming was provided by Terry Jennings Bookmakers (and online poker hosts).
The main & celebrity events used the GGS chips with the yellow inlays.
The other tournys used the GGS chips with the white inlays.
The cash games used the Jennings Chipco's.
Following the announcement that from 2006, the events would move to a permanent location, and that more secure chips would be used for the Tourny's, the chips were made ready for destruction (and most were destroyed several months ago). A couple of weeks ago, during the WPE's relocation, several racks of mixed chips were found which missed destruction. After negotiation, the organisers got clearance from the UK Gaming Board last week to sell me those chips.
The rest of the Jennings chips had also been destroyed, not because of lack of security, but because they were made in a hurry and someone messed up The £5 should have been red and the £25 black (standard UK colors).
If you look at the WPE site, you will see more history on the tournys, and in the pics in this link, you can see the chips in use.
Note that the main event used $1, $5, $10, $25 & $100 chips (small denoms??) and that the bottom 3 denoms were all destroyed. In fact the destruction paperwork accounted for all but 7 of the tourny chips so I doubt many collectors have them
Also interesting to note that they used $$ denominated for the tournys. Obviously they had to use ££ for the cash games.
Only the 6 designs below survived, and I will sell them as follows.
Each 'pair' of chips as shown - $7 shipped from UK
Set of the 6 chips - $17 shipped from UK
Paypal, US$ check or MO okay. Email me to order.
I will get back to you by the a.m.
Also, email me of you are interested in a small quantity of the chipco or white inlays. I might be able to help.