If your looking for an active adult area..then first you should check out the Villages...the most incredible city for older folks youll ever see. Ocala has several areas...mainly around Rt. 200...there's tons of small areas surrounding Ocala...you want a house or trailor? The cost of housing is very cheap here, and if you like horses and quiet...then this is the place for you. What happened to the Gainesville area? I know the area you were talking about and it pretty remote but still very nice. I was just by that area Fred mentioned yesterday and it is nice, with an easy freeway access....but not for me, I like the older areas. Ocala is fast growing and finally getting a little younger. John Travolta and Stienbrenner live here and are trying to bring baseball and a convention center here, which this area realllllly needs. If you want some phone numbers to places, let me know asap, because in a few days I'm leaving here to move to Calif. but I am keeping the house and will be back and forth....the house next door is empty and for sale..lol...and my mom and dad live in a nice mobile home park for older folks. And I just seen a new place in Ocala yesterday for 55+ folks with homes starting at 60K....let me know if you need any help.